Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year from Green Grass Studios!

The First Post!

story telling, mind blowing visuals that support the story, brain twisting problem solving, the invention of time, production process, glass eating artists, balancing multiple projects, project management, keeping everyone sharp and on their toes, the client, getting the work you want vs. what you need. how to get recognized, running a business, forging new relationships in new markets, Lack of sleep, still not enough time, a long road traveled and a long road ahead

Green Grass Studios my two partners, a slew of very talented art geniuses and I started on a journey five years ago. The thought was to create an award winning animation studio...Simple idea, right? Well, since its conception (July 25, 2003 8am) we have experienced all the joys, struggles, excitement and fear it has brought. It has truly been a day to day adventure that all of us have built one project at a time. Over this past year, I have realized that with all of the hard work and focus we may have lost touch with the people that are outside our walls. So in stepped a self proclaimed genius thought. I will step out, and do what I never thought I would do...CREATE A BLOG. My hope is to connect you the reader to our unique story through snap shots of what it looks like from behind the scenes here at the studio. I will highlight the artists, the artwork, the stories developed and of course our team in production. I hope you enjoy.