Tuesday, November 16, 2010

It's Never Too Early to Get Into the Christmas Spirit

The holidays are getting close, although it definitely doesn't feel that way most days here in Texas.  The weather is finally cooling down and we can actually begin to see winter peeking around the corner.  Thanks to the recent 75 degree weather in November it's not always easy to feel the Christmas cheer.  Normal fall activities like enjoying fall leaves, cold football games, and fireplaces are practically vacant in Texas until about mid-December when the weather finally turns cold!  I tried to listen to a Christmas station on Pandora a few days ago and could hardly stand the first few cords before I switched back to my usual station (this was extremely disheartening as I LOVE Christmas music and used to whip it out immediately after Halloween when living in the wonderfully chilly Midwest).  So needless to say, it was quite nice when we got a project in the shop that practically threw the holidays in our face regardless of if we were quite ready for it or not!

If you're traveling via DFW Airport over the holidays you will most likely get to see our newest project first hand.  Our team worked with Moroch to develop a festive animated experience to encourage DFW Airport travelers to take in some shopping, eating and relaxation while waiting for their next flight.

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Happy Veterans Day!

THANK YOU to all the men and women who serve, have served, or will serve in the U.S. Armed Forces! GGS appreciates EVERYTHING that you all do for our country!  :)

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

ZBrush Big Shots

Two of our very own GGS artists were featured in ZBrush Magazine! The magazine, done by 3D World, features multiple character tutorials from a variety of artists. Great work Sean and Jesse!

Get your copy here:
Owner/Art Director, Jesse Sandifer, takes the reader through the creations of his Mammal-Man and Pirate.

"I mean, all I have to do is create a human body and stick on some random mammal's head and call it a day, right? Wrong! There is also the expression to consider, the pose, the character itself. There has to be a reason for choosing one creature over another."

"I knew I wanted a little bit of attitude, and subconsciously, I thought of Gollum from The Lord of the Rings movies and how possessive he was with the ring. I wanted to get the same sort of feel with my character, so I went with the concept of a pirate holding his treasure chest in his arms. I then realized I could give him a creepy 'turned back' pose."

Sean Langford, Production Lead at GGS, tackles a muscular Minotaur and fantasy Elf using the speedsculpt technique.
"...ultimately, I felt that a speedsculpt was best suited for quickly sketching out a new idea, not trying to recreate someone else's design...I have been thinking about the character's pose for a while. This minotaur has presented himself as a tough and proud fighter, so I think he should have a weapon."
"Speedsculpts are useful for many different reasons, but as my drawings are sometiems more of a handicap than a help, I tend to use them for flushing out concepts quick, dirty, and to the point."